Frequent questions
Each product has a description on its page that contains important information about the product, such as the material it is made of and its size. We also recommend consulting the size guide before ordering. You can contact us by phone or email and we will help you choose the right size. You can find the contact details here .
Yes, for payment in installments we use the service of partners from TBI Bank. At checkout, select TBI BANK as payment method then place your order. You will be automatically redirected to the TBI BANK portal where you will fill in the necessary details for payment in installments.
For the products in stock, the delivery time is 1-3 working days, except for very busy periods (eg Christmas, Black Friday). For products made to order, the delivery time can vary between 7 and 14 working days, depending on the availability of materials, but also on the period.
Yes! You can choose a different delivery address than your billing address in the checkout steps, and in the order notes you can specify all the necessary details for us to make sure we prepare the gift the way you want it.